Tuesday 4 March 2008

Second Task

Firts Image from Task 2

The original image that I used was of Charlotte smoking, I decided to use this as my first idea, as for this project I wanted to create some kind of campaign either for smoking, drinking, obesity etc. So this way I was able to practise with this concept of producing a campaign. As for this second task we were asked to scan in some kind of object or text, so I used a cigarette packet which worked well with my topic, this also included text so it helped make the piece more significant. Once I had scanned the packet into the computer I was able to change the size of the object using the editing tool, I felt this would make the piece more alluring, instead of just one size throughout the picture, as this would make it quite tedious and simple. Once I had every packet covering the first photo, I began changing the opacity of each box one at a time, this crating a transparent affect, with each one being at different scales, some being at a high contrast and some at a low. Overall the opacity tool works well and is a useful tool to know. I will probably find a way of using this in my final project.

Second Image from Task 2

Using an image of my own, I began scanning different negatives onto the computer, similar to the first image from task two; I cut out the negatives using the accurate tools, and over layered them onto the image of myself. The negatives that I used are of people who I know, mainly family and friends; I felt this would make it more significant.

Once I had covered the background image up, I began using the opacity tool, to create a similar affect as the first image. The overall image I think works well, and I feel I have accomplished task two quite successfully.

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